Distances between major cities in Florida

Below is an approximate chart of distances in miles between locations in Florida which you might find helpful when renting a vehicle.


  Daytona Lauderdale Jacksonville Key West Miami Naples Orlando Sarasota Tampa
Daytona 0 235 89 414 257 244 54 186 139
Fort Lauderdale 235 0 320 180 25 105 209 203 234
Jacksonville 89 320 0 499 345 322 354 240 190
Key West 414 180 499 0 155 322 134 344 388
Miami 257 25 345 155 0 107 232 214 249
Naples 244 105 322 322 107 0 190 107 160
Orlando 54 209 354 134 232 190 0 132 85
Sarasota 186 203 240 344 214 107 132 0 54
Tampa 139 234 190 388 249 160 85 54 0

* Distances are in miles and are approximate.

More information regarding Florida in Miles

Florida Geography

Total Area - 58,560 Square Miles

Land Area - 54,252 Square Miles

Total Water Area - 4,308 Square Miles

Rank Among States in Total Area - 22nd

Length North to South - 447 Miles

Width East to West - 361 Miles

Distance from Pensacola to Key West - 792 Miles by Road

Highest Natural Point - 345 Feet near Lakewood in Walton County

Geographic Center - 12 miles northwest of Brooksville, Hernando County

Coastline - 1,197 Statute Miles

Tidal Shoreline - 2,276 Statute Miles

Beaches - 663 Miles

Florida has more than 11,000 miles of rivers, streams & waterways

Longest River - St. Johns at 273 miles

Largest Lake - Lake Okeechobee at 700 square miles
(the 2nd largest freshwater lake in the United States)

Largest County - Palm Beach at 2,578 square miles

Smallest County - Union at 245 square miles